Interview appointments are conducted after hours on a weekday evening, Monday through Friday. An appointment is necessary, so please contact me in advance by email or phone (715.451.1005) to schedule. You are welcomed and encouraged to bring your child with to the appointment. At this time, you will meet with the provider and tour the center. This is also a great opportunity to ask any questions or concerns that you may have. At the interview you will receive an Information Packet which contains information about the day care, preschool, and myself as well as references.
-Click here to preview the information packet-
-Click here to view rate sheet-
After the interview, if you choose to enroll your child at Tootsie Bear Day Care & Preschool, you will receive an Enrollment Packet with the Parent Handbook, enrollment forms and other resources. All forms must be returned to me on or before your child's first day of care, along with the required deposit or enrollment fee (see below).
Before your child's first day it is a good idea to visit the day care during the morning hours, so that you and your child can see the day care "in action." This visit should last around 30 minutes, and is a great time to bring your child's paperwork and supplies. If your child is very apprehensive about new situations more than one morning visit can be made.
Enrollment Fee
The fees for the final two weeks of care are to be paid in advance at the beginning of care. A payment plan is available upon request. First week's payment is due on your child's first day of care.
The following items are to be provided by parents. Items can be brought during pre-first day visit or on the first day of care. Please mark all items with your child's name or initials.
- 1 complete set of clothes, including underwear and socks, appropriate for the season
- Hairbrush or comb
- Proper outerwear for outside play
- Swimsuit (summer months only)
- Disposable diapers (when applicable)
- Diaper rash ointment (if used)
Tootsie Bear Day Care & Preschool ● Wisconsin Rapids, WI ● 715.423.3005 ●
The information contained in this website (including, but not limited to files, pictures and graphics) may not be copied, reproduced, or republished without express written consent from Tootsie Bear Day Care & Preschool
Copyright 1997-2015
Copyright 1997-2015